A white electronic device with multiple ports, including two red circular ports and a small round port. It has a rectangular area on its top side and a clip-like attachment. The device appears to be made for connectivity or data transfer.

M3015B - CO2 Extension Intellivue Module

Model Number: M3015B

The Philips M3015B CO2 module comes with CO2 Sidestream, Invasive Pressure 1 & 2, and Temp standard.    

The Philips M3015B CO2 extension module cannot be used as a stand alone unit. It will not directly connect to a Philips monitor. It must be connected to a MMS, X2, MP2, MMX, or X3 to work properly. This module has a MSL connector going to the monitor and then another connecting it to the patient module. Sidestream CO2, dual pressure, and temperature come standard on these units. We see sidestream CO2 failures including occlusion, leak test failures, and CO2 equipment malfunctions. We also see communication and power related issues.

  • Dead
  • No communication with Monitor
  • software not compadible
  • CO2 equipment malfunction
  • CO2 Occlusion
  • CO2 Extention Equipment Malfunction
  • Parameter malfunction
  • Parameter blanked out
  • Parameter connector damaged

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